Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fathers' Day/Special Carers' Day

Just a little reminder that this Friday the Fathers'/Special Carers' Day stall will be held.


Elke, Sia & Elke

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ultranet Logins

Yesterday students took home information sheets for their Ultranet Usernames and Passwords. Privacy information is available at the link below:

To start exploring the Ultranet:

Students need their Usernames and Passwords to login.

Elke, Sia and Sheryal

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ultranet Logins

Two weeks ago, most of the Year 1 students were supported in logging into their Ultranet sites by Wendy - our Ultranet coach. Two or three students from each homegroup have become 'mini-coaches' to support students accessing their accounts.

During the session with Wendy, students learnt how to post a message on their 'blog' and this week we hope to send home students Usernames and Passwords and continue to get students using the Ultranet during their weekly Library/ICT times.

Talent Quest

Ali (Archie's mum) spoke to the year 1 students, who had expressed an interest in being part of the PHPS Annual Bazaar Talent Quest, today about the details of their entry.

There will be an opportunity on Friday 2nd September lunchtime (in the gym) for students to show their entry and get some feedback. Some students are still deciding on their items (songs, dance, jokes, etc) so you may get questions and requests from students about this.

Please remember to bring music, etc to school next Friday.

Swimming Update

Just a little reminder that students swimming tomorrow (Wednesday) need to bring along clothes to do swim safety/rescue aspect of the program (ie shorts and t-shirt, pjs). Please remember to also send along a plastic bag.


Elke, Sia and Sheryal

Saturday, August 20, 2011

National Immunology Day Competition

Also on this Tuesday 23rd August:

A session is being run by one of the parents at PHPS - Charles Hardy for National Immunology Day. Approximately 35 students in Year 1 have elected to participate. Students will learn about the immune system and how the body fights infections and following the presentation, they will have the opportunity to create posters for the competition that closes on the last day of term. 

Delays of the competition can be found on the link below.

National Literacy Week/Day - Tuesday 23rd August

Following a whole Neighbourhood meeting on Friday, students decided that to celebrate National Literacy Week, next Tuesday they would either come dressed up as a favourite book character or bring in their favourite stories to share. Costumes/dress-ups do not need to be elaborate.

This week's Assembly is a celebration of National Book Week. The Year 1s will celebrate in the session after lunch.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Swimming Update: from Geoff

Please refer to Swimming Notice sent home for further details re. swimming caps.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Swimming Program Update: Swimming caps

The Year 1s and Preps had their first day swimming today and were fantastically behaved and confident in the water! It was wonderful to see the children enjoying the water and being instructed by the swimming teachers.

We found out today that the swimming pool policy is that all swimmers 3 years and over need to be wearing swimming caps. If your child/ren have these at home, could you please send these in their swimming bags?

We will follow up with the pool tomorrow to see if these can be purchased from the pool, so further updates to follow.

Sorry for the late notice,

Elke, Sia and Sheryal

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Premier's Reading Challenge

Just a reminder that the Premier's Reading Challenge is due to finish at the end of August. Parents need to print out the book list and sign this sheet.

Please return sheets to homegroup teachers so they can be passed onto Annette for validation.

Many thanks,

Sia, Sheryal and Elke

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Swimming Update

We have created a swimming schedule for the Notice Board outside the Year 1 entrance with swimming session times with both the first and second week. If you are able to assist, please put your name in the allocated session time.


Sia, Sheryal and Elke 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Parent Helpers for Year 1 Swimming

We would really appreciate parent assistance at the Year 1 swimming program in Weeks 5 and 6. Please let your homegroup teacher know or email me if you are able to assist on any (or more) of the days.

In the first week (Monday 15th, Wednesday 17th and Friday 19th August)

Session 1: Elke 9:10 am - 11:15 am

Session 2: Sheryal 10:05 am - 12:10 pm

Session 3: Sia 11:15 am -1:20 pm

In the second week (Monday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd and Friday 25th August)

Session 1: Sia 9:10 am - 11:15 am

Session 2: Elke 10:05 am - 12:10 pm

Session 3: Sia 11:15 am -1:20 pm

Many thank,

Sia, Sheryal and Elke